market report

An Empirical Analysis of Music Streaming Revenues and Their Distribution

Our report highlights some important lessons. First, we show that in the era of global music sales platforms it is impossible to understand the economics of music streaming without international data harmonization and advanced surveying and sampling. …

Music Streaming: Is It a Level Playing Field?

Our paper argues that fair competition in music streaming is restricted by the nature of the remuneration arrangements between creators and the streaming platforms, the role of playlists, and the strong negotiating power of the major labels. It …

Can scholarly pirate libraries bridge the knowledge access gap? An empirical study on the structural conditions of book piracy in global and European academia

The topic of the paper is Library Genesis (LG), the biggest piratical scholarly library on the internet, which provides copyright infringing access to more than 2.5 million scientific monographs, edited volumes, and textbooks. The paper uses advanced …

The Welsh Music Industries In a Post-Covid World

This report outlines the emergence of private and public sector support for the music industries in Wales since the pandemic commenced; examines the advice given to the music industries concerning roadmaps out of the pandemic; reviews the industry …

CCS Ecosystems: Evidence-Driven CCI Policy & The Central & Eastern European Music Industry Report

The Central & Eastern European Music Industry Report 2020 was presented as a case-study on national and comparative evidence-based policymaking in the cultural and creative sector.

Central & Eastern European Music Industry Report 2020

The results of the first Hungarian, Slovak, Croatian and Czech music industry reports are compared with Armenian, Austrian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Serbian and Slovenian data and findings.

Czech Music Development Program & Comparative Market Research

A Progress Report on the Czech Music Development Program and problems in an international context. We would like to invite any Czech stakeholders, or even individuals to join our Research Consortium, because in the music sector, all organization are microenterprise or small enterprise sized, they usually have no significant market research, innovation and strategic HR management capacities. We hope to give them in each country useful tools.

Private Copying in Croatia

This study argues that the cultural and welfare benefits of this private copying regime are enormous and important to create a good quality of life in Croatia for all age groups, but especially for young people, and it must be maintained. …

Slovak Music Industry Report

Slovakia's first music industry report. Following the three income streams model from creation till audience, we summarized for the the number of works that were created, recorded, staged in Slovakia in a year. We calculated their revenues, their …

Slovak Music Industry Report

We presented the most important findings of the Slovak Music Industry Report with the project sponsor, Mgr. Tomas Miks, member of SOZA’s management team in the first SHARPE music conference in Bratislava.