The Digital Music Observatory on LineCheck

Open call for Italian and international partners to try out and join the Digital Music Observatory

See you on Linecheck 2021

Our main aim was to find new users to our Digital Music Observatory, and to find partners for a future Horizon Europe R&D project to develop the scientific pillars of the Observatory in a manner that meets practical industry needs and the feature requirements laid out in the Feasiblity Study for a Euroepan Music Observatory.

We believe that our Digital Music Observatory and its decentralized, bottom-up approach allows for a great combination of open science funding and meeting the requirements laid out in the Feasibility Study. Our open collaboratin method does not require complex international agreements to jump start a truly European music observatory - we are already halfway there.

Our data is particularly useful in understanding why music streaming is devalueing copyrights, and how its autonomous recommendation systems can undermine important cultural policy, child protection, or competition and anti-discrimination laws.

If you want to get a taste of the value of our data, check out the panel discussion Streaming Economics: where are we really going? panel discussion with Helienne Lindvall, Enzo Mazza (President of FIMI), Charles Kilby Welch , moderated by Steve Mayall (Music Ally), and of course, Daniel Antal, the co-founder of Reprex and the Digital Music Observatory.

Use Cases

Fair Streaming

Daniel introduced our work made for the UK IPO’s Music Creators' Earnings in the Digital Era Project about the justified and not-justified differences among music rightsholders earnings and the diminishing market value of streams. We believe that our UK approach is a particularly interesting addition to join with the distribution analysis performed by the Centre Nationale de la Musique and Deloitte in France.

Fair Value

Daniel introduced to collective management professioanls our innovative approach for private copying valuation, royalty price setting, estimating the values of value transfer to media platforms, and other topics of interests for collective management and rights management organizations. Our approach has a proven track record to increase revenues for creators.

Open Music Observatory

We introduced our approach to building the European Music Observatory in a decentralized way, relying not only on the resources of Creative Europe but also on Open Science, Horizon Europe, bringing the music industry, music research in universities and cultural policy under one open collaboration. Because France is building its own music observatory of a kind, the decentralized approach could particularly benefit French stakeholders.

Listen Local

Marie and Daniel introduced the Listen Local project to startups. Our Listen Local project analyzes why recommendation engines do not recommend locally relevant music (such as music from Paris in Paris, Slovakian music for Slovaks) and offers alternative approaches and fixes. We were discussing with other startups serving artists and small labels to bring down our macro-level approaches' benefits to the level of aritsts, as we did in our experimental project in Slovakia supported by our scientific research cooperation (see our pre-print manuscript.)

Why Data Observatory?

Our use cases highlight the value of having a wide range of data available for the industry players, researchers and policy-makers. In the era of big data, and when open data is becoming legally more and more available, it is important to have one place with a single data collection method. Copernicus built a permanent observatory for the ongoing observation of celestial bodies. We built an automated data observatory to permanently collect data about music.

Daniel Antal
Daniel Antal
Data Scientist & Founder of the Digital Music Observatory

My research interests include reproducible social science, economics and finance.
