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The Slovak Performing and Mechanical Rights Society (SOZA), executes international standards on copyright protection in the territory of the Slovak Republic. SOZA does not only represent local authors in Slovakia, but also all foreign authors from those countries where CMOs concluded an Agreement on Reciprocal Representation. SOZA represents rightsholders— authors, sub-authors, music arrangers and authors of written part of the work, i.e. lyrics, libretto, as well as publishers of those works. On their behalf SOZA monitors the use of musical works in the territory of the Slovak Republic, collects royalties and at the same time provides administrative, economic and legal services.

SOZA is a founding partner of the Digital Music Observatory and its precedessor, CEEMID.

See our work:

SOZA is a legal entity, a non-profit civic association of authors and publishers of musical works, association of natural persons and legal entities pursuant to Act N0 83/1990 Coll. on Association of Citizens. SOZA is a self-governing organisation through which rights holders administer their professional common interests related to copyrights on musical works with the help of elected bodies.